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I bought this book to write things that I think are important, and I want to share with you. I hope to give this to you as a graduation present. Also in case something happens to me before you are grown. It will give you a little ideal of what kind of person I am and how much I care about you. Well, today I'm exactly 1 month pregnant. You were conceived on 2.13.1983.

Ricky will be 6 September 28th and Kassie will be 3 on October 1st. You will be born somewhere around Nov. 11. My guess is Nov. 4th. If you are a girl I'll probably name you Kaci. As for a boy's name, I like Ryan and Justin. I'm sure as I write through the months in here, your name will change many times. At first I wonder, if I would have a miscarriage because when I was pregnant with Kassie, they thought I would miscarry her. But she turn out just fine. But I feel fine. I am overweight, so I already look about four months pregnant. I feel really bad about it, and your dad won't let me forget it.

I really wanted a third child really bad. I guess I always felt like I was the third child and look what I would miss if I didn't have you. I plan on spoiling you rotten. I hope you grow up to be a good person. Thats all I really want of my children. I don't care what you do for a living, as long as people consider you a good person. I'll try my best you raise you that way.

I haven't gone to the doctor yet, but plan to go next month.

Our home burned down last Sept. 2oth (1982). And we are building a new home, hopefully we will move the end of April.

Your brother Ricky weighed 9pds 1oz when he was born. I wonder if you will beat him in weight. Kassie was the longest at 21 3/4 inches. Well you can't say I didn't give you a head start. You got 8 more months to beat them. Well, I better close for now or I'll use up the whole book before you even say your first word.


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