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I went to the doctor today. I weigh in at 195, same as the last two weeks. Doctor said you were growing. I started losing white stringy mucous last week. Doctor said I was a little more dilated. If you were born now you would only be a month early. Doctor said if you go full term, you would weigh about 8 to 8 1/2 pds. The doctor asked me if my other babies were early. I said right on time. He goes 'well, you might have this one early.'


Weigh in at 195, measure at 38 weeks pregnant. Doctor said I started dilating. I get another ultra-sound done this week. I can tell you are getting bigger and stronger everyday. I have lost a lot of fluid and I can really feel you now. I have had a terrible backache the past two weeks.


I am getting really bored, just sitting here waiting for you to be born. I bet I will go to November too. I would bet quite of bit of money on it. I still haven't decided on a boy's name yet. I just can't make my mind up on it. The girl's name remains the same Kaci Jo.


I lost 10pds. I'm down to 195. The doctor thought that was great. I measure at 39 weeks, down 2 weeks from last week. The doctor was happy about that too. He said my cervis was still closed. Blood test turned out really good. No problems in that area.


I have to go in tomorrow for a blood test at Mercy. I might be a diabetic. I hope not, but it is probably be better if that is what is wrong with me. the other things the doctor talked about weren't good. I weigh in at 205. The doctor says the ultra-sound shows about Oct. 20th for the due date, but he hoped I make it 2 more weeks. They measure me at 41 weeks. I asked them what full-term was, they said 40 weeks.


Talked to Amy, she read the sheet wrong. It said 35 weeks instead of 37 weeks. Which would make it around Oct. 12. I can believe that one. But I still can't see how the Sonagram was off almost a month and how come I was off also. Also the report said I had a high amount of fluid but still in the normal range.


Well I called Amy and she said that the report showed that I was 37 weeks and the position of the baby was good. I think something is wrong because on 8-13 I measured 27 weeks pregnant which would make me 31 weeks pregnant this week, not 37 weeks.

Also if I would of got pregnant in December, my due date would of been 9-22. If in Jan. the due date would be 10-16. According to the Ultrasound I would be due at the end of September. Something is wrong.


Had my ultra-sound today at noon at Mercy Hospital. A friend of mine, Teresa Miles, went with me. It took him about 30 minutes. Aunt Amy used to date that guy. When he was done I asked him what it showed. He goes 'essentially pretty normal and I'll make a report for your doctor and then he will discuss it with you.' Aunt Amy is going to look up the report tomorrow and try to find something out for me.


Well I weighed in at 198 pds. Only a 1/2 pd more than last time. The doctor is going to schedule me for an ultrasound at Mercy because it shows more than a sonagram. He asked me if there were twins in the family. I told him my husband had a set of twin sisters and that my grandmother was a twin.

He said my measurements show a full term baby instead of one due in two months. He said he doubted if there were twins though but he thought he better double check.


You kick hours on end. Anymore people are teasing me saying I'm going to have twins. I just smile and say no. No one believes me that I have 2 1/2 months left. Even grandmother nixon asked me if I was going to have twins.


Guess what? I did gain ten pds. The dr didn't yell at me though. I was glad they said I was 27 weeks pregnant. 13 more to go which is just what I had figured out. I vomited both today and yesterday towards the evening. You have kicking up a storm the past week. At times I think you want to be born early.


I have a dr. appt next Tuesday and boy is the doctor going to throw a fit. I think I have gained about ten pounds since the last time. I weigh 200 pds now. I feel like it too. I can hardly get out of bed in the morning. I also am very tired all of the time. You have a lot of room to move around and believe me you do. I don't think there is a area in there you haven't found yet.


Well you are know five months along. I had a sonagram done. There is only one of you. I still cannot believe that, but the doctor ought to know. It was kind of a disappointment. After seeing you I kind of think you are going to be a boy. I weigh 187 1/2. So I better get on thinking about boys names. You were so active, the doctor was trying to get a picture of your heart and you kept putting your arm in front of your heart, so he couldn't see it. Ricky was really active too when I was pregnant with him that is why I figure you are a boy.


Dr. Schill wasn't too happy that I got that shot last week. Pregnant women shouldn't have got it he said. He also said now that it is done and I feel better, we will just go on from now. He said the shot affects the pituitary gland that controls hormones. I do not know what affect this has on having a baby. The Doctor's nurse measured me at 16. I don't know if she meant weeks or what. I have it figured out that I'm about 17 weeks pregnant. I also have a feeling that maybe I am pregnant with twins. I have a lot of pressure down there. Doctor hasn't said anything about it though. I weigh in at 181 pounds.


You are almost 4 months old now. I mean since you were conceived on Feb. 13th. I came down with a real bad cold last week turned into an allergic reaction. They had to give me a shot of Decadron 20cc. I hope it doesn't harm you. The doctor warned me that you may not have gotten enough oxygen when I was so sick with it. Well I go to the doctor Monday, so I will write more in here then.


Well 8 more days and I will be 30. You put quite a scare into me over the weekend. I went about 48 hours without feeling you move. But then when I finally did feel you, you kept it up for almost 4 hours. Everyone everywhere keeps asking me if I am going to have twins. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with Kassie. I get really big at the beginning of the pregnancy and then slow down. My waist measurement is already 44 inches. It was 51 inches right before I had Kassie. I think I will probably beat 51 inches this time. I finally went to the doctor last week because I was having really bad headaches. He thought it was my sinuses. So I wear a face mask one hour every night.


I went to the doctor Monday and I weighed in at 173. The nurse said I was 13 weeks along, so you are growing. Doctor said my blood pressure was fine, weight fine, size and position fine. I finally got over my nausea, but I'm still very tired. I guess that is one of the things that goes along with the third pregnancy. So beware if you are a girl and you want three kids. Ricky graduates from preschool today. Last night he got autographs from Bob Hansen and Mark Gannon, two Iowa Hawkeye basketball players. He was so excited. It was a great night to be a five year old.


Well it has been a month since I wrote in here. I have been busy packing. Next week we will be moving. I can't hardly wait. I have been nauseous every day the past month. I haven't felt good at all. A friend of mine who was due in Sept. miscarried last week. I felt so sorry for her. I smoke too much. I have to cut down. I bought a bedroom set yesterday. It cost $1200. I wonder how much they will cost when you get to the age you will need one. Your brother Ricky goes to kindergarten round-up next Tuesday. Time sure does fly before I know it you will be going too. Your sister Kassie is sitting next to me right now crying because she can't get a dress on her doll. Well I better go help her.


I bought this book to write things that I think are important, and I want to share with you. I hope to give this to you as a graduation present. Also in case something happens to me before you are grown. It will give you a little ideal of what kind of person I am and how much I care about you. Well, today I'm exactly 1 month pregnant. You were conceived on 2.13.1983.

Ricky will be 6 September 28th and Kassie will be 3 on October 1st. You will be born somewhere around Nov. 11. My guess is Nov. 4th. If you are a girl I'll probably name you Kaci. As for a boy's name, I like Ryan and Justin. I'm sure as I write through the months in here, your name will change many times. At first I wonder, if I would have a miscarriage because when I was pregnant with Kassie, they thought I would miscarry her. But she turn out just fine. But I feel fine. I am overweight, so I already look about four months pregnant. I feel really bad about it, and your dad won't let me forget it.

I really wanted a third child really bad. I guess I always felt like I was the third child and look what I would miss if I didn't have you. I plan on spoiling you rotten. I hope you grow up to be a good person. Thats all I really want of my children. I don't care what you do for a living, as long as people consider you a good person. I'll try my best you raise you that way.

I haven't gone to the doctor yet, but plan to go next month.

Our home burned down last Sept. 2oth (1982). And we are building a new home, hopefully we will move the end of April.

Your brother Ricky weighed 9pds 1oz when he was born. I wonder if you will beat him in weight. Kassie was the longest at 21 3/4 inches. Well you can't say I didn't give you a head start. You got 8 more months to beat them. Well, I better close for now or I'll use up the whole book before you even say your first word.

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